Online Training Program: Transition from Home to Office

A series of mini-seminars and lectures for managers on team management during the transition from remote working to working in the office. The program is conducted online and is divided into three two-hour meetings of managers in the same groups.

Session 1. Challenges faced by management when returning to “new normality”. Theoretical discussion from the perspective of the experience of Chinese research and companies’ experiences and translating them into best practice and theories of Health & Safety.

Session 2. Motivating teams when returning to the company’s headquarters: Responding to extreme groups of employees: managing an anxious person (the so-called fear of returning to normality) or a person with risk tendencies (i.e. not following the rules). Conducting difficult and motivating conversations to increase team efficiency.

Session 3. Group coaching to activate support in the training team. Exercises of methods discussed in session 2 on examples from participants. Final questions and perspective for the next 6 months.

Magdalena Kishizawa online trainer

COVID-19 Psychological Hotline for Employees and Leaders

Since March our team with psychotherapeutic and psychological background dedicates part of working hours to assist those, who might be overwhelmed by self-isolation and virtual workplace. Social distancing measures forced almost the whole workforce to remain home. Sometimes we had to isolate from those we love or had to stay with a full family and full workload. That may bring forward uneasy feelings and thoughts that might have been missed during our busy lives. Our hotline and individual psychological support addressed those people, who experience emotional stress in their teams and need the advice of a therapist or a professional experienced in working with people under stress. We worked with certified multilingual consultants (psychotherapists), who were under the supervision.

During our consultations, we supported people with anxiety or panic attacks, depression, relationship problems, overwhelmed and stressed by the workload or dealing with virtual working environment for the first time and self-organisation issues.

We closed our open helpline by the end of May, but we continue working with companies supporting them with a designated hotline for their employees.

Executive Coaching of Managing Director (Confectionery)


The client is a privately held global manufacturer of confectionery. Its corporate headquarter is in Netherlands. The organisation in Poland had undergone many changes in the preceding years (e.g. production had been moved to another country and many workers had been made redundant). The entire site function changed from production to sales. A new polish MD, without previous MD experience, was moved internally and the newly appointed management team needed to be consolidated and to establish new ways of working together in this different environment.

Client Challenge

The development areas identified were assertiveness, decision-making and prioritisation, and the implementation of actions in an insecure environment. Later, we worked on change management and team development. The MD needed to improve his image as a manager and required leadership coaching, to be perceived as assertive and gain respect. This could then lead to the establishment of a fully-functioning management team capable of implementing the required changes within the organisation.

Our way

The coaching process was composed of five elements: An orientation and assessment session, face-to-face sessions (4 sessions at 2 hours each), in-between assignments (followed up with online coaching platform), telephone coaching (5 sessions at 1 hour each), and a feedback and development session. Coaching took place over eight months and was conducted in Polish by Magdalena Kishizawa.

Magdalena is an experienced coach with 15 years of experience in coaching of managers different levels: from team leaders to executives. She works internationally and with different cultures. She studied at the University of Heidelberg in Germany (Diplom-Psychology), Catholic University of Lublin in Poland (Education Science) and School of Management of University of Bradford (Master of Business Administration). She has systemic background in coaching, coaches for large corporate clients and private clients and delivers her coaching in English, German and Polish. With her dynamic, optimistic and empathic approach, Magdalena brings great experience and business integrity allowing her to work closely with coachees to achieve sustainable results and increased personal effectiveness.

Life Coaching of Country HR Director (Oil and Gas)


This coaching client was a female executive based in Poland, the HR director of a major oil and gas company, with more than 15 years of experience in her current position.

Client Challenge

The company policy is to transfer staff to different positions from time-to-time. This meant that the client had to move to the company headquarters out of Poland. As she had her whole life based in Poland, including her family, she was feeling reluctant about making the move. The goal for the coaching sessions was to identify her personal career and life ambitions and to set a two year target to make a positive career move and achieve her expectations for personal growth.

Our way

Coaching was provided through 10 phone sessions at 60 minutes each over a period of three months. This life coaching was delivered by a polish-speaking coach experienced in coaching women in business.

Life Coaching was conducted in Polish by a coach, Magdalena Kishizawa. She is an experienced coach with 15 years of experience in coaching of female managers different levels and cultures. She has systemic background in coaching, coaches internationally for large corporate clients and private clients and delivers her coaching in English, German and Polish. With her international business experience as a woman and a manager, Magdalena brings a lot of insight how to develop own charismatic impact, show confidence, achieve sustainable results and increased personal effectiveness.