This coaching client was a female executive based in Poland, the HR director of a major oil and gas company, with more than 15 years of experience in her current position.
Client Challenge
The company policy is to transfer staff to different positions from time-to-time. This meant that the client had to move to the company headquarters out of Poland. As she had her whole life based in Poland, including her family, she was feeling reluctant about making the move. The goal for the coaching sessions was to identify her personal career and life ambitions and to set a two year target to make a positive career move and achieve her expectations for personal growth.
Our way
Coaching was provided through 10 phone sessions at 60 minutes each over a period of three months. This life coaching was delivered by a polish-speaking coach experienced in coaching women in business.
Life Coaching was conducted in Polish by a coach, Magdalena Kishizawa. She is an experienced coach with 15 years of experience in coaching of female managers different levels and cultures. She has systemic background in coaching, coaches internationally for large corporate clients and private clients and delivers her coaching in English, German and Polish. With her international business experience as a woman and a manager, Magdalena brings a lot of insight how to develop own charismatic impact, show confidence, achieve sustainable results and increased personal effectiveness.